Our friends at Loughborough Brunei Student Society would like to give the public an oppurtunity to lend a helping hand in lessening the burden of the less fortunate in hopes of bringing about a positive change in their lives. They have opened both physical and monetary donations from the 19th June 2018 until 20th July 2018.
For those who wish to donate monetary funds, they should be sent to bank account listed below: Natwest (United Kingdom) Account No: 68338481 Sortcode: 60-14-55 Reference: PLB 'YOUR NAME' Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (Brunei) Account No: 00001020927018 For physical donations in either cash, clothes and household necessities, please contact them to make an arrangements for collection. All proceeds from the donation drive will go to needful families families listed under Majlis Ugama Islam Brunei (MUIB), Ministry of Religious Affairs. For those interested in volunteering in the event, they have created a Google Form for you to sign up with and Facebook group to keep them up to date with all information regarding the event: Projek Lufbru Bantu (PLB) and Google Form: https://goo.gl/forms/7DO7m8hdSyyxq7pH3 For more information about the 9th Projek Lufbru Bantu please contact through Mobile or Whatsapp +673 8666990 (President of LufBru - Aiman) or +673 8625577 (Vice President of LufBru - Halim) or email [email protected]. May our good deeds be accepted and rewarded by Allah, The Most Beneficient. |