BRUNEI STUDENTS’ UNION OUTREACH TOUR: PUSAT TINGKATAN ENAM MERAGANG & PUSAT TINGKATAN ENAM TUTONG1/8/2019 BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, TUESDAY, 30th July 2019 – The Brunei Students Union in the United Kingdom & Eire (BSUnion) collaborated with the Brunei Religious Officers Student Association (BruROSA) to hold an outreach programme at Pusat Tingkatan Enam Meragang (PTEM) on the 25th of July 2019 and Pusat Tingkatan Enam Tutong (PTET) on the 30th of July 2019, both held in the afternoon. The outreach tour was themed “Author of Your Future: Creating Your Own Storyline”. A total of 190 students from PTEM and PTET participated in the event, which was led and facilitated by members of BruROSA and the BSUnion as well as other Bruneian students in higher education. Several school staff members were also in attendance, with more emphasis on the presence of teachers in the respective careers departments of the above-mentioned schools.
The programme aims to provide a safe space for students to express concerns about their future and help them realise the potential that lies within. It also encourages students to reflect on and pursue their own career pathways, while also instilling motivation and reminding them of their significance in shaping the future of the nation. The event in PTEM on the 25th of July 2019 was blessed with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah, and was followed by an introductory talk given by Mohammad Harith Syafiq bin Mohammad Halim (Religious Secretary of the BSUnion and President of BruROSA) in which he represented the BSUnion and BruROSA, explaining their roles as unions. This was followed by two talks, and a sharing session held within small groups. The first talk was delivered by Ahmad Syauqie bin Hj Satia (Human Resources Officer of the Society for Community Outreach & Training, Universiti Brunei Darussalam), who touched on volunteerism and the importance of appreciating differing perspectives in life, as well as how we can learn from them. The second talk was delivered by Siu Tzyy Wei (Toastmasters member, Universiti Brunei Darussalam) titled “Still Surviving”, delving into her powerful experiences as a cancer survivor to discuss the importance of hope and perseverance. The sharing session allowed students to voice out their concerns within small groups and receive reassurance and comfort from more senior facilitators. The event ended with closing remarks by ‘Afifah binti Haji Mat Dani (Female Religious Secretary of the BSUnion and Vice President of BruROSA). The event that took place at PTET on the 30th of July 2019 was blessed by the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah, followed by an opening remark introducing the BSUnion and BruROSA given by Dk Nurin Nabeelah Pg Hj Abu Bakar (Vice President of Administration and Finance of the BSUnion). This was also followed by an ice-breaking session, two talks, and a sharing session in small groups. The first talk was given by Muhammad Za’eem bin Abdul Majid (President of BruSton) titled “Taking the First Step”, encouraging students to be less hesitant in taking opportunities as they may regret it in the future. The second talk was given by Dk Nurin Nabeelah Pg Hj Abu Bakar titled “Not the Author” which emphasises the importance of receiving our parents’ blessings, and reminds students that Allah the Almighty is the best of planners – “if something doesn’t go your way, it doesn’t end there.” The sharing session allowed students to open up to their own groups with regards to their concerns about their future endeavours, while facilitators could reassure and comfort them in that respect. The event ended with the recitation of Surah Al-Asr. The feedback received was incredibly positive, with students saying that it was more fun than expected. Some even commented that they wished the event went on for longer. They also found the talks relatable as fellow students, and that it inspired them to pursue their individual goals. Teachers present were very happy with the event, saying that it was a good experience for the students involved. The events above were carried out well and achieved what it had set out to do, inspiring and motivating the youth towards developing the future of our beloved nation. The BSUnion and BruROSA will be carrying out similar programmes in the near future, with plans in place for another five sixth-form centres in August 2019 alone. |